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How To Clean Concrete Roof Tiles - Expert Methods To Do Yourself

The roof is the most exposed part of your house, and its integrity highlights the house's well-keeping. There are many kinds of roof structures, but concrete roofs demand more care. These roofs are rare, but some homeowners shake hands with the heavy price tag in exchange for durability and a classy look.

Concrete roof cleaning follows two ways: Self-cleaning or hiring a service. If you are going with the former one then, you are significantly in need of our professional guide on how to clean concrete roof tiles.

Let’s suit up!

Why should you clean your concrete roof?

Before you put away the roof cleansing idea, read the points below to know why it is important.

1. Roof drainage

Algae and moss build up in your roof, and if not cleaned timely, result in unfriendly impacts. They affect the guttering system of the roof, causing the rainwater to seep and produce dirt marks on the walls. Moreover, poor roof drainage eventually results in a roof leaking.

2. Moisture

Too much moisture shortens the lifespan of a concrete roof. Moss acts like a spongy layer and prevents the roof moisture from drying. Over time, this moisture soaks into the roof and causes damage to the integral roof parts, ultimately resulting in long-term damage.

3. Overheating of roof area

Algae not only causes moisture problems but also heats the attics and roof areas. The layer of algae prevents the heat from leaving the building, causing it to overheat.


How to clean concrete roof tiles effectively

Now you know when and why roof cleaning is essential, but how would you do it? We have stated all the methods below.

Manual tools

The first method uses workforce rather than roof tile cleaning chemicals. You need to gather some energy and peel off the dirt and algae by hand. If you are going with the manual method, make sure to get up there on a drier day. A stiff brush will result in ineffective clean on a humid day, as pores of algae remain glued to the moist tiles.

Roof cleaning chemicals

Concrete tile roof cleaning chemicals are available in the market, which helps get rid of the lichen. Most of the products have spray technology and a measurement booklet to help you prepare an effective mixture for removing the algae on your roof.

Bleach and water solution

Bleach is the most inexpensive way to clean roof tiles. But how to clean tile roofs with bleach? There is no hard rule on how you will clean using bleach. Make a water and bleach solution and spray on a small roof area, not more than 4 feet. Next, use a brush to scrub the titles. Once done, apply some topcoat to prevent any adhering of dirt, bird droppings, or mud.


Things to avoid while roof cleaning

  • Safety first is a well-known phrase, but we seldom pay attention to it when working. Most falls happen when home keepers avoid safety measures on a roof cleaning routine. Never compromise on your safety when you are high above the ground.
  • Choose chlorine-free roof tile cleaning products. Chlorine is hazardous, mainly if you use rainwater for drinking.
  • Avoid water pressure cleaning. While it may be tempting to get this done quickly, it will damage the roof in the long run. Hard water pressure cracks the tiles resulting in quick wear. Pressure water will wash away the tile finish and weakens structural bonds. Therefore, manufacturers recommend avoiding it.

These are the best practices on how to clean concrete roof tiles you can employ for a good roof cleaning. We hope this piece helped you understand everything about rooftop cleaning.

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